What The Hell Does A Vegan Eat For Thanksgiving Anyway?
What The Hell Does A Vegan Eat For Thanksgiving Anyway? 2009 Photo Edition
Alder-Smoked Tofu stuffed with Wilted Chard, Mushroom Stuffing wrapped in Phyllo topped with Mushroom Gravy
Braised Carrots
Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Pears and Fennel

Fingerling Potato and Green Bean Salad with Maple Syrup Vinaigrette

Mushroom Stuffing

Braised Carrots

Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Pears and Fennel

Wrapping the tofu, greens and stuffing inside the phyllo

Table Left

Table Right

Table Centerpiece

Dinner on the table

Food and Wine -- Champagne and Beaujolais
* Howdy Slowtwitch readers wondering how vegan the wines were (i.e. "I sure hope that those are two of the very few (and very bad) vegan wines."). The two wines in question were "Moet & Chandon White Star Champagne" and "Georges Debouef Beaujolais Nouveau" So, yes, they were "very bad" ;)

Dinner and Salad

Chocolate Raspberry Torte -- decadence in cake form.

Pumpkin Cheesecake -- dig the op art stencil action Liz made!