Raspberry Stuffed French Toast, Peanut Butter and Banana Stuffed French Toast, Hickory-Smoked Fried Tofu
Breakfast 6/18
Raspberry Stuffed French Toast
Peanut Butter and Banana Stuffed French Toast
Hickory-Smoked Fried Tofu

At first I thought it might be my birthday (it wasn't), but it felt like it was -- this is my favorite breakfast of all time...

Take some sandwich bread and the "Fronch" Toast recipe from "Vegan with a Vengeance" add some raspberry puree and/or peanut butter between two slices and top with fresh raspberries and/or banana and maple syrup and powdered sugar.

Coming along for the ride was hickory-smoked fried tofu with hot sauce. We like to smoke a few blocks of tofu a couple of days ahead of time so they're ready to go at a moments notice.