Rich Chocolate Cake with Salty Dulce de Leche & Hazelnut Brittle
Dessert 02/11
Rich Chocolate Cake with Salty Dulce de Leche & Hazelnut Brittle

After all the small plates, comes this cake, which deserves it's own entry.
Inspiration can come from many places -- for example, while wandering through the library the other day, Liz picked up an issue of Victoria magazine. Leafing through it, she came across the recipe for this cake. It comes from "One Girl Cookie" by Dawn Casale and David Crofton.
Now at this point, Liz can figure out in a few seconds whether or not she can veganize a recipe. This had all the usual substitution issues in play (using earth balance, flax eggs, soy yogurt), plus she had the rest of the ingredients on hand -- and of course the recent wildcard, Einkorn flour.*
The only thing not on hand was the Dulce de Leche -- thankfully, Terry Hope Romero's fantastic cookbook** "Viva Latina" has a veganized recipe.
The hazelnut brittle recipe was pretty easy (subbing Earth Balance). Liz made a little extra to snack on -- and with good reason, it's amazing any of it survived to be added to the cake.
It's hard to put into words the sound that one makes when first biting into the cake... my best approximation would be "mmmwwhhaaaO_oooh"
Moist, salty, sweet... decadent.
* funny how that seems to be the odd ingredient in all of the substitutions ;)
** seriously, you need this book.