Friday, March 16, 2007

"Vegan Saute"

Dinner 3/16

"Vegan Saute"

*sigh* I really don't want to write this one up -- we went out to dinner at one of the few (if not only) places where we know we can get a vegan meal without having to explain what "vegan" means -- The Mustard Seed in Fairlawn, OH (they also have a store in Solon, OH).

Now, we've been going to this store since they opened (and even before that when they were still a little store in a former Lawson's down in the valley 20+ years ago), and their vegan food has always been serviceable, and occasionally very good (they did our wedding cake 16 years ago, a lemon vertical cake, that was phenomenal).

This "special" menu item tonight however... $17.99(!) for steamed veggies with marinara sauce over pasta with tempeh.

I should have known better, but still, I thought it couldn't be this bad.

I was wrong.

The thought process must have sounded a bit like this... "let's take the stir-fry products, steam them and put them over pasta instead, with a couple of chunks of steamed (not even fried) tempeh. It'll look like an Italian Stir-Fry"

It looked very pretty, but with zero flavor... It makes me never want to eat yellow squash again... and the price? Tempeh isn't that expensive.

Bleh... Double bleh.

I don't want to go out just to eat fake-meat products. Time to re-vamp and re-think the vegan portion of the menu...
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