Friday, June 17, 2011

Vegan Sweet Tooth, a photo essay

Vegan Sweet Tooth 6/17

It was an epic morning/afternoon of shopping that started off on the right foot at Vegan Sweet Tooth, a brand new vegan bakery located in Eton Square Shopping Center, a short 30 minute drive from Kent.

Or, as it's better known, our daughter's new favorite place in the universe, ever.

The interwebs are abuzz, with praise -- so let us add to the chorus of kudos and show you the selection of goodies that we purchased.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Cake Pops

Vanilla Mixed Berry Cupcakes

Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Cupcakes

Chocolate Cheesecake with Raspberry

Carrot Cake Cupcake

Box o' Cupcakes (Oreo, Chocolate Kahlua, Chocolate Peanut Butter)


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