Thursday, November 22, 2012

What The Hell Does A Vegan Eat For Thanksgiving Anyway? 2012 Edition

What The Hell Does A Vegan Eat For Thanksgiving Anyway? 2012 Edition 11/22

Pierogi (Cabbage / Potato & Mushroom)

Ravioli (Pumpkin)

Braised Carrots

Braised Brussels Sprouts

Cranberry Sauce

Dinner Rolls


Pumpkin Chocolate Cheesecake

Apple Turnovers

A photo essay...

Tiny, tiny carrots...

...which took forever to prep...

...but were oh-so-tasty ;)

Also, Braised Brussels Sprouts

The dough for the dinner rolls was allowed to rise twice -- the third time they were formed into balls and put into a greased cast-iron skillet...

...where they rose again...

... and baked.

The apple turnovers were assembled right before dinner and put into the oven just as we sat down.

The Pumpkin Chocolate Cheesecake was made the day before, and taken out of the fridge about a hour beforehand.

Plated together, a beautiful pair

Finally, the aftermath: Carrothenge!

Later, bourbon and a nap...
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