Pizza Burgers, Grilled Corn, Potato Salad and Doughnuts
Dinner 05/27
Pizza Burgers
Grilled Corn
Potato Salad

Pizza burgers (GF-tweaked recipe* from The "Best Veggie Burgers On The Planet" Joni Marie Newman), potato salad and grilled corn
* subbed 1/4 cup each tapioca and potato flour in place of vital wheat gluten, added 1/4 cup of nooch & 1/4 cup of Daiya Cheddar as a extra binder.

Liz whipped up a quick batch of doughnut batter which started out a little loose, so they ended up a little more like a cross between doughnut holes and churros, but hey -- sprinkle some sugar on it and it's all good. ;)