Monday, July 25, 2005

Dinner 7/25

Watermelon Gazpacho
(from the new book by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis -- "Raw Food/Real World" -- pureed watermelon, diced tomato, cucumber, watermelon, radish, scallion, jalapeno, lemon juice)

Raw Chiles Rellenos
(mixture of pumpkin seed paste, carrots, onion, jalapeno, bragg's liquid amino - stuffed into long sweet peppers and dehydrated eight hours @ 110 degrees)

(avocado, lime juice, salt, pepper, jalapeno)

a good night to make raw food when it's 95 degrees and matching humidity -- no turning on the big oven -- the dehydrator (an Excalibur 2900) is indispensable...
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