Dinner 08/31
Lobster Mushrooms
Morel Mushrooms
Steamed Baby Artichokes with Sea Salt
Chickpeas and Mushrooms deglazed with Sherry
Padron Peppers
Lobster Mushrooms sliced
Lobster Mushrooms cooked, splashed with tamari
Morel Mushrooms sliced
Morel Mushrooms cooked, with black pepper & tamari
Padron Peppers raw
Padron Peppers cooked (splashed with lemon juice & sea salt)
Chickpeas and Cremini Mushrooms deglazed with Sherry
Steamed Baby Artichokes (tossed with Earth Balance & Sea Salt
Homemade bread
In an effort to catch-up on the blog, August is now all-picture month ;)
...and with that, we're caught up!