Sunday, July 29, 2007

Eggplant and Chickpea Stew, Braised Cabbage and Soyrizo, Squash Blossom Soup

Dinner 7/29

Eggplant and Chickpea Stew
(from VegTimes)

Braised Cabbage and Soyrizo
(adapted from Paula Wolfert "Mediterranean Grains and Greens")

Squash Blossom Soup

The eggplant and chickpea stew come from the new issue of Vegetarian Times and is a slow braise full of tomato and eggplant. The cabbage dish works well with the bold flavors of the homemade soyrizo. A great combo pairing.

We used the rest of the squash blossoms (from Saturday) in the soup -- and while it's tough to describe the taste that they impart, suffice it to say that you can tell they're in there. Vague and unhelpful, I know... ;)