Saturday, September 02, 2006

Columbus Ohio: Dragonfly Neo-V, Pattycake Bakery

Brunch 9/2 @ Dragonfly Neo-V and Pattycake Vegan Bakery, Columbus, OH

Sadly, no pictures -- the camera was packed in the suitcase and I didn't feel like rummaging around in the trunk of the car for 10 minutes in the steady rain -- the final remenents of Ernesto... Plus, there was an OSU game later in the day, so parking was a challenge around the restaurant.

We drove stright from home to Dragonfly (247 King Ave. Columbus, OH. 614-298-9986), so we arrived with a good appetite... There's two parts to the brunch -- the buffet set-up at the bar, and a choice from the menu. The kids skipped the buffet (good idea) but wanted the chocolate chip pancakes. They were both very pleased with their choice. I had a chance to try a tiny bit at the end, and had I been in more of a breakfast mood, would have gladly ordered these as well.

The buffet consisted of 8 or so plates -- yellow tomatoes in olive oil, baba ganoush, chinese long beans with sesame dressing, green salad w/ dressing, bread, a cold rice and bean salad and roasted beets with a sour cream sauce.

For the second option, Liz went with the Red Curry Tofu -- a deep fried rice ball, grilled tofu and a spicy (but not overly hot) curry sauce. We'll have to try and deconstruct that one in the future. I had the Beet Risotto -- a finely exectuted bit of arborio rice, beet juice and the wilted green on top -- well played.

The couple of times we've eaten at Drangonfly, we've always had great food and the staff was always helpful and informative when we asked questions about ingredients or techniques... Highly recommended.

After working our way up N. High St. (and the OSU football traffic), we stopped by Pattycake Vegan Bakery (3009 N. High St. Columbus, OH 614-784-CAKE) and picked up blueberry muffins, spelt fudge brownie, chocolate cupcake, vanilla cupcake, banana chocolate chip muffin, chocolate and cherry bar. Despite having just had brunch, these almost all disappeared before we made it to the hotel ;) Also highly recommended.