Friday, May 25, 2007

Fettuccine with King Trumpet Mushrooms, Red Leaf Salad with Spicy Melon and Pink Peppercorn Dressing, Braised Leeks

Dinner 5/25

Fettuccine with King Trumpet Mushrooms

Red Leaf Salad with Spicy Melon and Pink Peppercorn Dressing
(adapted from Fine Cooking July '07 p. 51)

Braised Leeks


A little Marco Polo action tonight: Italian pasta vs. Asian mushrooms. The King Trumpet (a.k.a. eryngii) are almost mini-porcini like, so it's not that big of a leap.

The enduring cliche of vegans is that we eat a lot of salads. I'm here to tell you... it's all true. ;)

We're always looking for new ways to pump some freshness into to our salad repertoire and the combo of melon and peppercorn dressing was a big hit -- the melon was spicy and cooling at the same time, used in the dressing and as a topping (but not as a floor wax). The toasted sunflower seeds added a nice crunch as well.

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