Shepherdess Pie, Strawberry and Rhubarb Cobbler
Dinner 5/05
Shepherdess Pie
(test recipe from the upcoming "Veganomicon")
Strawberry and Rhubarb Cobbler
'Tis the season for school carnivals, kids expo nights, movie nights, PTO fundraisers, etc. Meals like the shepherdess pie are money in the bank -- you can make them up to a day ahead, stick them in the fridge and pull them out when you get back from the school function and pop them in the oven...
(Look for "Veganomicon" to come out Oct/Nov 2007.)
Rhubarb makes it's second spring appearance (after Raw Food Wednesday's salad) Is it a Cobbler? Crumble? Grunt? Slump? Whatever. Just call it tasty...