Friday, August 18, 2006

Olla de Trigo, Sopas Mallorquinas, Patatas Bravas, Judias Verdes en Salsa

Dinner 8/18

Sopas Mallorquinas
(Majorcan "Dry" Soup with Cabbage)

Patatas Bravas

Judias Verdes en Salsa
(Green Beans with Garlic Sauce)

Olla de Trigo
(Peasant Soup with Wheatberries)

Dinner tonight adapted from "My Kitchen in Spain" (2002) by Janet Mandel -- the soup, cabbage stew, potatoes and green beans were all tweaked slightly -- soyrizo, tofu, veg stock, etc.

Well worth it though, especially the wheatberries, which we usually use for "rejuvelac" on raw food nights. They were pressure cooked for 25 minutes, which seemed to do the trick for the soup.